San Antonio Pressure WashCo in San Antonio provides pressure washing for houses in Texas. Our staff is certified and members of the PWRA and PWNA.
Technicians undergo continued education and required training to ensure we are able to meet the needs of customers. Our pressure washing service includes eco-friendly and biodegradable solutions and high-grade equipment for the best results in the area!
San Antonio Pressure WashCo uses powerful spray equipment and safe solutions to power clean siding, wood and brick. Our service cleans off dirt, sediment, mold and mud from brick, wood and siding (aluminum and vinyl). Also, we clean patios, fences, porches and concrete.
San Antonio Pressure WashCo is available to pressure wash the outside of mid-rise commercial buildings, shopping centers, chapels, schools and more in and near San Antonio TX. To preserve curb appeal these types of commercial buildings need to be pressure washed regularly. Commercial services include graffiti removal, oil removal, dumpster washing, parking garage washing, warehouse floor cleaning and more. Customers want a clean shopping or dining area and San Antonio Pressure WashCo is the #1 pressure washing service for all of your building pressure washing needs.
Most San Antonio houses have a wood or composite deck or patio behind the house. These decks can get covered in mud, debris, mold and algae. Mold, algae, and some other types of contaminants often become slippery and can cause unsafe foundation to walk across, even more so if wet. San Antonio Pressure WashCo can pressure clean your wood or composite deck or patio with professional, safe cleaning methods and equipment.
The most obvious reason to schedule pressure washing is to renew the curb appeal and look of the exterior of your house. Combine professional pressure washing with landscaping, lawn care and other home repair projects and you will have a house everyone in the neighborhood will be jealous of!
Considering selling your house soon? Consumer Reports claim that power washing and touching up the paint on the outside of a house could increase the value between 2-5% and can lead to faster sales on listed houses.
Dirt and grime on the outside of a house will eventually wear down the surface and will lead to rotten wood, damaged paint and general deterioration over time.
The cost of repairing and replacing siding or rotting wood should be avoided whenever possible. With regular cleanings from a pressure washing service in San Antonio, you can help to increase the lifetime of your home’s exterior and avoid costly repairs.
The benefits above apply to our services for power washing garages, gutters, wood decks and patios, fences and more! Questions? Please call our San Antonio office at 210-934-0744 during business hours. We are here to help!
Perhaps you’ve seen the power washers for sale at a hardware store and thought, “how hard could it be?” We understand the temptation to save money by trying to power wash your home, but we don’t recommend it. Please read this before you attempt ”do-it-yourself” pressure washing:
The number one reason we cannot recommend customers pressure wash their own house is because of the chance for a serious injury to occur. A power washer emits intense amounts of water pressure that could lead to a major injury if it contacts clothing or skin.
Plus, rental machines often cannot reach high gutters and under no circumstances should a homeowner climb a ladder or be on a roof when operating a pressure washer.
You would not believe all of the stories we have heard about customers removing the siding and paint off of their walls because they dialed the pressure too high on a rental machine. Broken windows are typical too. You can also damage a home’s exterior if you use the wrong type of solutions or too much.
Technicians undergo the proper training and have the experience to understand just how much pressure and what types of solutions are best for each type of exterior.
You will find out quickly that pressure washing a home is not an easy job. For an inexperienced homeowner, it could require almost an entire day to get the job done. To rent a power washer for 24 hours can sometimes cost up to $100 or even more. And, you have to buy the solutions too.
When you add up the time to pressure wash your home by yourself and the rental and solution costs, you will come to find that you’re much better off hiring a professional pressure washing service and will have the peace of mind knowing the job will be done right.